Some Words About Us

Why Choosing
Evans Recovery

For those going through the struggles of drug addiction, Evans Recovery can provide the focused, comprehensive, and effective addiction treatment that you need to get through this once and for all. What you need now is a group of specialists who will care about you and help you work towards recovery.

What you need to do first, however, is come to terms with your condition by admitting to yourself that you have a problem you can’t beat or solve on your own. Once you have accepted this, you will have taken the first step towards sobriety.

Then you will come to our addiction treatment center in Redondo Beach, California. Here in our drug rehab facility, you will begin by going through detox. In order to get through long-term treatment, you will need to have established a foundation that will be the basis of your treatment. While your body goes through the process of eliminating the harmful toxins that come along with detox, you will go through unpleasant side effects. The employees at our Redondo Beach addiction recovery clinic will watch over you carefully and provide moment-to-moment solutions.

Next, you will begin therapy at our Redondo Beach drug rehab facility. First with a personal counselor, you will vent your fears, challenges, and struggles while receiving professional advice from someone who understands and cares. Here you will get screened for dual diagnosis mental health treatment while creating your personalized addiction program. Around half of the people we see at our Redondo Beach addiction treatment center are also going through a mental illness that is complicated and exacerbating your condition. We need to find the core of your issues and help you work through them in order to achieve long-term success.

You will also begin group therapy. During communal sessions you will meet with a group of your peers, share your stories, and exchange helpful advice that will guide you through tough times. The best people to find empathy and understanding with are the people who are going through addiction as well. You will learn from them and you will teach them.

Finally, when you go to leave our Redondo Beach substance abuse treatment center you will leave with your comprehensively altered and personalized addiction treatment program. You will not leave alone. You will depart with the support, care, and guidance of everyone you’ve met. The employees at our addiction treatment clinic will always be here to help you, no matter how long it’s been since you left the program. The others in the program will be your friends for yours to come.

The bottom line is that you don’t need to do this alone. You can break free from this with the right help. All you have to do is give us a call today and we will begin setting you up with a free appointment for a consultation. It will change your life. Don’t wait, let’s start today.